Dr Toula Gordillo



Hello! My name is Dr Toula Gordillo, and I’m an experienced Clinical & Jungian psychologist. People generally see me to assist with mental or behavioural health issues. To truly help, I’ve found the need to go deeper than regular teaching and counselling.

In response to this need, I created a method to help people to access their own unconscious. It’s called Story Image Therapy (SIT®), and SIT forms the base of my program and workshops (Click here for more information).

I’ve spent the last thirty years teaching and counselling others. Now, I can take you (or your clients) on a journey of your inner self – your shadow – through symbolic Stories and Images.

Once you’ve completed your own SIT Shadow Work™ (and worked on the deepest parts of you), I can show you how to do it with others safely and in the most effective way possible* (*Conditions apply so please contact us).

I’m a specialist in the unconscious and self-empowerment, and I am here to help…  

I Can Show You How To:

Develop improved relationships in your life, work or business.

  1. Enhance your leadership ability and know how to influence others.
  2. Realise your full potential in all areas by knowing yourself more deeply.
  3. Acquire resilience and empowerment as you integrate your own shadows.
  4. Improve your emotional wellbeing through old methods delivered in new ways.

So, how do we do it? By harnessing the most powerful information delivery system known to humanity: STORIES & IMAGES. Employed since the dawn of time, symbolic stories and images are also the universal language of our  unconscious mind.

As part of my Story Image Therapy (SIT®) method, I’ve developed numerous symbolic stories and images. Supported by scientific study, my SIT tools (books/audiobooks, handouts, poster images, archetypal cards etc.) have been consistently adapted and refined using Jungian action research and academic doctoral research. 

For more information, please visit my Shadow Work Solutions website. You are also welcome to download my FREE Ebook. This is part of my SIT Shadow Work™ book series and offers an introduction to SIT for those involved in the ‘business of life’. (Please note, the rest of the series is available on Amazon). For now, let’s get started exploring the universal language of stories and images…and of YOU!

A New Way to Feel Empowered: Story Image Therapy®

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